Drug side effects and interaction

We know that drug interaction and side effects are a worry to a lot of our members. In our search to find information we came across a couple of useful sites. The first is a US based health site that includes clear patient information for both vitamins and supplements as well as medications.


Following on from the post about alternative medications and whether peppermint might have an adverse effect when taking cyclosporine, we were very interested to see that it clearly states on this site that it does.

The second website is run by Mediguard. The interesting thing about this site is you can develop your own profile and list all the medications you currently take. You give a few bits of information about yourself like age, etc. and it will give you a risk rating and tell you which medications interact with other medications that you are taking. This is very handy for people with Birdshot who may find that for the first time in their lives they are on a range of medications. The service also will send you updates on new information that comes out about the drugs you are taking, safety notices etc. A recent email asked us to tell our friends and family about this useful service so we thought we would pass it on.


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