Patients and professionals – audio and video interviews

Audio interviews

Starting with the first Birdshot Day in 2010, BUS has gathered a selection of audio interviews with birdshot patients and with the professionals who treat them. This collection is a valuable resource of information for everyone who has an interest in birdshot, especially for anyone new to the condition. Having a rare disease is a lonely experience, but hearing other people’s stories about it can be very helpful.

Many of the birdshot interviews were conducted by Dr Tracy Craggs. Tracy has been listening to people talk about sensitive issues for many years, including asking Holocaust survivors and members of the armed forces to share their experiences. 

Thank you to BUS member David Bethell for enhancing and preserving these recordings for us.

To listen to the recordings of interviews with the professionals go to:

and for patient interviews:

Video interviews

These video interviews with birdshot patients were collected at the Birdshot Days 2012 and 2015. We thank everyone who took part and shared their stories to help others with birdshot.

To view the videos, go to:  Patient Interviews

Updated May 2024