There are several eye conditions that produce the ‘typical’ cream coloured lesions that are so characteristic of Birdshot. We have just come across another case which clearly demonstrates why it is so important to not immediately diagnose people with Birdshot if they present with these cream coloured lesions.
This case involves a 9 year old girl who presented at the department of ophthalmology in Samsun, Turkey. On examination, she had numerous oval, irregular cream coloured choroidal lesions which resembled Birdshot lesions. However, these doctors went on to test further and diagnosed this girl with sarcoidosis. They wrote the case up to demonstrate how important it is to think of all the possible diagnoses, when seeing ‘birdshot type’ lesions.
The lesson is that not all ‘characteristic Birdshot lesions’ mean that you have Birdshot! This case illustrates really well why proper diagnosis is so important.
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