It is not always clear when to begin birdshot treatment. However, there is an increasing move towards actively treating birdshot when it is diagnosed. This is something that has to be discussed with the doctors treating you because it is different in every case.
When treatment is decided upon, there is a range of medications used to treat birdshot. Choice of medications depends on the severity of your birdshot and on how you respond to the medications. They are listed in the order of what is most commonly tried first.
High dose corticosteroids (steroids) are nearly always used initially when there is a need to quell eye inflammation rapidly. Other medications (immunosuppressants) used for treating birdshot often take time to become effective while the steroids are continuing to reduce the inflammation. Because of the known side-effects of high dose steroids on the eye (cataract formation and glaucoma) and on the body, the dose of steroid will be reduced as quickly as the inflammation will allow, once the immunosuppressant(s) have become effective. A low dose of steroid may continue to be used in combination with immunosuppressant(s). The link below takes you to a 2007 publication on “Steroids in Uveitis” which, even if it is quite old, is very informative if you are new to taking steroids.
Methotrexate, azathioprine (Imuran) and mycophenolate (CellCept, Myfortic) are in the first group of immunosuppressants most often used for treating birdshot. In particular, mycophenolate has been found to be effective in controlling birdshot, but a second immunosuppressant may need to be added from the next group of medications.
Ciclosporin and tacrolimus may be effective on their own for treating birdshot, but some patients will also require an immunosuppressant from the first group and possibly low dose steroid as well. Tacrolimus may work when ciclosporin has not.
By way of an introduction, you may like to listen to this fascinating interview with the chemist who developed the technique to allow biologic treatments like adalimumab to be developed. It’s an interesting listen for anyone prescribed a biologic who wants to find out more about its origin. BBC Radio 4 Life Scientific interview, with the 2018 Chemistry Nobel Prize winner, Sir Gregory Winter.
Infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira) are biologics, given by infusion or injection. They are also known as Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors or antagonists. They may be used when medications from the first two groups of immunosuppressants have either failed to be effective, or if side-effects have made their use difficult. Infliximab is given by intravenous (into a vein) infusion (slow injection) and adalimumab treatment is by self-injection under the skin every two weeks. These newer medications are expensive and, depending on your country’s funding arrangements, your doctors may have to present a special case to get funding for them.
They are also normally taken with an additional immunosuppressant such as methotrexate or mycophenolate mofetil.
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Steroid injections into or around the eye
Steroids can be injected into the eye (intraocular) or around the eye (periocular). These can be effective ways of treating inflammation at the back (posterior chamber) of the eye and for treating macular oedema. Steroids may also be injected into the suprachoroidal space. This is the space between the sclera (the white of the eye) and the outermost part of the retina and choroid.
A periocular injection can take longer than an intraocular injection to have its full effect, so the choice between giving steroid by intraocular injection or by periocular injection depends very much on the amount of inflammation in the eye.
For an intraocular injection, a steroid such as triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog) is injected via a very fine needle through the wall of the eye into the posterior chamber (vitreous cavity) of the eye. It then sits there as a deposit in the eye, allowing the steroid’s anti-inflammatory effect to work over approximately four months. It is a quick and effective way of controlling inflammation, but it is associated with risks such as increased eye pressure and cataract formation. The advantage of injecting a steroid directly into the eye is that it avoids many of the side-effects associated with oral steroid use. It may be used if only one eye has inflammation or macular oedema.
For a periocular injection, the technique is similar to that for an intraocular injection but the injection is made into the tissues surrounding the eye. Like intraocular injection of steroid, periocular steroid injection carries the risks of increased eye pressure and cataract formation.
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A suprachoroidal injection is made between the sclera (the white of the eye) and the outermost part of the retina and choroid. Injection of steroid into the suprachoroidal space is designed to treat uveitic macular oedema by targeting the steroid directly into the eye tissues of the posterior segment. Xipere is an injection of the steroid fluocinolone acetonide supplied with a special applicator to place the steroid into the suprachoroidal space. The risks of increased eye pressure and cataract formation are similar to those from other methods of steroid eye injections.
Xipere is not available in the UK (March 2025) but it is available in US.
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Intravitreal implants
– Ozurdex
Ozurdex is a 700-microgram sterile pellet of the steroid dexamethasone which is injected into the back (posterior chamber) of the eye using a special applicator. Ozurdex is biodegradable, and it slowly dissolves over three to six months. It is sometimes used instead of an intraocular injection of steroid as it is thought to last slightly longer. However, the side-effects and risks of Ozurdex are similar to those of an intraocular steroid injection, particularly increased eye pressure and cataract formation.
Ozurdex was originally introduced for the treatment of macular oedema in patients with retinal vein occlusion. In UK, NHS use of Ozurdex is approved by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for treating non-infectious posterior uveitis, which includes birdshot.
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– Retisert
Retisert is a sterile device containing 0.59mg of the steroid fluocinolone acetonide. It is surgically placed in the back (posterior chamber) of the eye, where it releases the steroid for around 24 to 30 months. Side-effects include the formation of cataracts and the risk of raised intraocular pressure.
Retisert is not available for NHS treatment in the UK. It may be available privately.
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– Iluvien and Yutiq
Iluvien is a tiny tube containing 190 micrograms of the steroid fluocinolone acetonide which is injected into the back (posterior chamber) of the eye using a special applicator. The implant slowly releases the drug into the eye over 24 to 36 months.
In June 2019, Iluvien was approved in the UK by NICE for NHS use in prevention of relapse in recurrent non-infectious uveitis (NIU-PS) which includes birdshot uveitis.
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Yutiq is used in the US for treating posterior uveitis rather than Iluvien. Yutiq contains the same steroid (fluocinolone acetonide) in the same device as Iluvien, with the same duration of action. A Yutiq implant contains 180 micrograms of fluocinolone acetonide.
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Useful links:
A short video of Carlos Pavesio at the Birdshot Day 2015 discussing the differences between the various types of intravitreal implants can be found on our YouTube channel Birdshot100:
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is given by intravenous infusion (slow injection into a vein). Use of IVIg in the UK is controlled by a strict rationing system and centralised NHS approval according to the condition being treated. IVIg is rarely used in the UK for treating uveitis. IVIg is used in France and other European countries, and also in US.
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For further information about treatments please see our Factsheets page.
Updated March 2025