Moorfields Eye to Eye walk – walking as Team Birdshot

Following on from last years success, Team Birdshot is taking part in the Moorfields Eye charities walk –  Eye to Eye 2018 walk, both the 14 miles and the 4 miles on Sunday 4th March 2018.  So far we have five people signed up walking for birdshot research, with a couple more people who are currently thinking about it. We’d love it if we can get 30 or 40 birdshotters walking (family and friends welcome) showing our support and enthusiasm for more research for birdshot.

If you would like to join us, please do sign up with Moorfields Eye  charity at: and let them know that you are walking for Team Birdshot.  If you prefer, you can pick up a registration form in the hospital which can then be returned to their office in an attached Freepost envelope. If you can’t find these in the hospital, Gaby in the Moorfields Eye Charity office is the person to go and find.  You may also see Gaby visiting the clinics, as part of her job is to go and meet patients.

Birdshotters can choose to walk either the 4-mile or 14-mile route according to fitness and preferences. Gaby has promised to let us have similar start times so that we can walk together, and that will also allow us to be able to get a great group photo before we set off.

4 miles – £12 to register

14 miles – £18 to register

There is no minimum sponsorship requirement: just raise as much as you can. You also get a free T-shirt and goodies at the end.

The times of the walk vary from 7.30am – 12 midday. If you are planning to do the 14 mile it is a good idea to start reasonably early.

If you want to take part, please sign up as directed above, but also drop me a line to let BUS know.  Here’s hoping for a sunny Sunday on 4th March!



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