Write to your MPs

Both Rea and I have problems with getting our Cellcept prescriptions from time to time due to shortages of the drug at the wholesalers.  Birdshot Uveitis Society has written about this difficulty before.  Now the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry has taken it up.    This is something we should all lobby our MPs about, because  most of them are totally unaware of the difficulties we  face obtaining our  monthly prescription.

Urgent action is needed to tackle the worsening problems UK patients face when trying to receive their medicine prescriptions, according to the UK’s Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). Continue reading

Anyone who has Dry Eyes or Blepheritis?

Having taken steroids and immunosuppressants for 5 years now, I have developed dry eyes and blepheritis.

My Blepheritis is, I believe, as a result of taking immunosuppressants and gives me itchy, red rimmed eyes. My dry eyes are caused, I believe, by the steroids (which has also given me dry skin and dry hair – what a nightmare!) and the symptoms include a constant feeling of having ‘something’ in my eye, like grit, and a greater sensitivity to glare, as well as itching and redness. Continue reading

Nurse led formal health review

Unfortuantely government cut-backs can sometimes mean that specialist uveitis nurses jobs are threatened.  These nurses can play a very important role in making sure we stay well while we are on this type of aggressive treatment.

We came across a paper on a “Nurse-led formal health review for immunosuppressed patients with uveitis” by NP Jones and M Pickford from Manchester Eye Hospital which we would whole heartedly agree with. We know from the feed-back we receive from patients with uveitis just how helpful and supportive these specialist nurses can be. Continue reading

Sponsorship for Patient day

We are very grateful to the following organisations and companies who have provided sponsorship for the Birdshot Day which we are holding on the 11th September 2010.

There are still a few places left for the day.  It is not too late to book a place.  Email us now if you want to come:- birdshot@live.co.uk!

Our grateful thanks go to:-


LX211 submission for approval in US and Europe

We have been asked by a number of  our members if we know anything about the about the progress of the LX211 trials which highlighted LX211 as potential disease modifying therapy for noninfectious uveitis.  Birdshot is a non infectious form of posterior uveitis.

In February we read that Lux Biosciences was preparing to file for US and European approval.  If the drug is approved it will be the first drug licencensed in the US and Europe specifically for uveitis.  We would assume that licencing in the UK would be likely to follow this.

On 4th August, Isotechnika Pharma Inc, Lux’s US partners sent out a press release which stated that before approval would be given in the US, further trials were needed to check out the drugs safety.  It stated that approval remained on course for Europe. http://micro.newswire.ca/release.cgi?rkey=1808048256&view=64134-0&Start=0&htm=0

We are not sure how long the process takes for licencing to occur but we are watching out for developments.

Experience of IViG treatment?

Has any one experience of being given IViG for their Birdshot?  We have a member asking us for information about experiences with this form of treatment and how successful it has been.

It would be really interesting and helpful for us to know about individual personal experiences of IviG treatment.  It has been successfully trialled in France for Birdshot but we’d like to obtain more first hand information as, in our view there is nothing to beat that.

Thanks!  We look forward to hearing from anyone who might be able to help this member.

Annie and Rea

Book your place at the Birdshot Day

Below is the detailed programme for the Birdshot day.  We are very excited that so many excellent expert speakers have agreed to participate at our first Birdshot Day.  This day has been organised by BUS,  Narciss Okhravi  and key people from Moorfields.  The fact that we  have been able to organise such a day is testament to the hard work and commitment of these people.


It is a great honour to be able to welcome Professor Phuc LeHoang and his colleague Dr Christine Fardeau to talk about  the latest birdshot research programme that they are carrying out in France.    We will also get the chance to hear about future developments and  will  be introducing the Pan European Birdshot Research Network to you all.    We are  most fortunate to have the help and support of  Professor Miles Stanford of Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust,  Mr Carlos Pavesio, Miss Narciss Okhravi and Mr Mark Westcott from Moorfields Eye Hospital, Professor Andrew Dick of Bristol Eye Infirmary and Professor Phil Murray of Birmingham University.


Book your places now.  The conference, including lunch, is free,  as we have managed to obtain sponsorship but we do require a £20 refundable registration deposit. This can paid on line here (debit and credit card & PayPal).   Please note that the payment will show that it is being made to the Uveitis Information Group.
You can also pay by cheque and information about how to do this is here.


If you are unemployed we will waive the deposit as we do not want people to be prevented from coming due to financial constraint.







Provisional Programme1

Provisional Programme BirdshotDay 30 Jly-2

The Eye Bag

In case you haven’t heard of it we’d like to tell you about  “The EyeBag” ,  the re-useable warm eye & eyelid compress designed by Yorkshire Consultant Ophthalmologist and Uveitis Specialist, Mr Teifi James.

Eye Bag Co Ltd logo

Health professionals frequently advise daily warm compresses for lots of common eye problems – Dry Eye, Blepharitis, Styes and Cysts. Hot wet flannels are ineffective and compliance is poor. The EyeBag is designed to treat these conditions. The EyeBag is a simple re-usable black and silver silk hot-compress. It is designed to be heated in a microwave for 20-30 seconds just before use and can be re-heated around 200 times. It is usually used twice a day for the first fortnight and several times a week thereafter. Stunning symptomatic improvement means happier patients with less frequent hospital visits.

You can find an EyeBag stockist near you or order online at http://www.eyebagcompany.com/

Tracey with EyeBag

This is such a simple and effective bit of kit for many people with eye problems that come with uveitis.  Blepharitis and dry eye, for example, are possible complications for people with birdshot due to a compromised immune systems.

We’re delighted to tell you about this particular product because it is effective and easy to use.  The Eye Bag company has generously sponsored  Uveitis Information Group’s work, which includes Birdshot Uveitis Society.

Thank you so much.

Annie and Rea

Birdshot in Scandinavia

We need your help please!

We have a Swedish person with birdshot who would like to be in touch with others either from Scandianvia or Sweden who have Birdshot Chorioretinopathy so she can chat to someone in her own language about what she is experiencing.

Please get in touch with us  if you  think you might be able to help.   Email birdshot@live.co.uk

Annie and Rea