Green Tea

New Evidence That Green Tea May Help Fight Glaucoma and Other Eye Diseases

ScienceDaily (Feb. 20, 2010) — Scientists have confirmed that the healthful substances found in green tea — renowned for their powerful antioxidant and disease-fighting properties — do penetrate into tissues of the eye. Their new report, the first documenting how the lens, retina, and other eye tissues absorb these substances, raises the possibility that green tea may protect against glaucoma and other common eye diseases.

The whole article can be found by following this link.

2 members – email address ERROR

We are desperately trying to get in touch with two members whose email addresses appear to not be working. Hopefully the two members will recognise themselves:

User name: Glass

User name: Sue B

You both registered recently, but your email addresses do not seem to be working. perhaps you entered a misspelled email address? If you could email us at, we can respond to you.

Birdshot Patient Day News

Dear All,

Birdshot Chorioretinopathy Patient Day

You are cordially invited to a Birdshot Patient Day organised by The Birdshot Uveitis Society on Saturday 11th September 2010 from 10.00 to 16.45. It will be held at the UCL Roberts Buildings, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE.  Download our leaflet and registration form here.

The Day is a unique opportunity for people with a Birdshot diagnosis and leading specialists, nursing staff and trainees, to meet, share experiences and learn from one another.   We would like as many people with Birdshot to be able to come and share their experiences.  We hope it will be an enjoyable and rewarding day.

You will be able to:

  • meet the experts
  • find out more about new treatments and research
  • take part in smaller breakout groups discussing issues affecting you
  • help shape the future for people with Birdshot
  • have the chance to get questions answered
  • talk to health professionals
  • meet others with the same rare eye condition

We also want to hear about your ideas for the day, so that they can be included.   We would welcome a list of questions you want answered.  If you would like to share your Birdshot story, please tell us so that we can try to include it.  We look forward to hearing from you and hope to meet lots of you soon.

Annie and Rea

Birdshot Uveitis Society  (email:

The Importance of Patients in Research of Rare Diseases

It seems very apt, when we have just finalised the date for our  first Birdshot Patient Day for Saturday 11th September 2010, to come across some research by EURORDIS (the EURopean Organisation for Rare DISeases).  EURORDIS is the voice of ‘patients with rare diseases across Europe’.

The survey has found that rare disease patient organisations (such as BUS, the Birdshot Chorioretinopathy Uveitis Society) play important roles as catalysts for research on their respective diseases. They can also be valuable partners in identifying the gaps and supporting early research in areas not covered by the public or private sectors.

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Seeing better with Bates

The Bates method (Do You Want Better Eyesight Without Glasses?)

Born in 1860, Dr Bates was a New York ophthalmologist who devised an alternative way of helping people to improve their eyesight naturally using various relaxation and stimulation techniques.  The full article about bates can be found in the self-help section of the site:-

This is not a cure for birdshot but it might help improve your vision.