Food Poisoning and autoimmune diseases

Many research studies have looked at the link between food poisoning and the onset of diseases, either shortly after the food poisoning, or later in life.

Last week, the Daily Mail published a short article by Fiona MacRae, the Science Correspondent, reminding us of this link. The article states that Salmonella, E Coli and other types of food poisoning may have lifelong consequence.  This includes the possibility of autoimmune diseases. The full article can be accessed at:

This article got us thinking. We know of at least two people who had very very severe food poisoning shortly before the first Birdshot symptoms occurred (one of these people is Rea).

Can anyone else identify this as a trigger to Birdshot? Or can you think of any other possible trigger? It would be really helpful to start collating this information, so we can begin to identify whether there are common ‘triggers’ or a whole range of triggers.

7 thoughts on “Food Poisoning and autoimmune diseases

  1. Hi!
    Interesting article! I have had at least two severe food poisoning in my life. One that made me hospitalized, so I can easily fit in to that theory!

    Regards Hakan

    • Hi Jane

      Your story sounds very similar to mine, and you started your symptoms and got your diagnosis exactly one year after me! We are getting quite a large response to this post, so it may be a fruitful area for research.


  2. Thanks. March 2009: labyrinthitis, possibly viral, with persistent fatigue (several weeks) and some visual symptoms, including flickering vision, which cleared and did not return. Dec 2009: ?norovirus sickness and diarrhoea, persistent fatigue for ten days. Feb 2010: optician-measured visual fields showed area not responding, left eye. Oct 2010: birdshot diagnosed when attending hospital for routine eye pressure checks.

  3. See the new post I have just added on micro organisms – we are really beginning to piece together some of the ‘triggers’ for Birdshot, and how our own genetic make-up, our diet and stress plays a part.


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