Staying well on immunosuppressive therapy

We are often approached by people who are clearly worried about starting treatment for their birdshot. Because of this, we decided to publish a ‘question and answer’ section on the website. We hope it will provide you with some much-needed reassurance and answers to many of your questions.

Much of the ‘question and answer’ section may appear to be just common sense, but BUS thought it useful to gather the information together in one place. We also hope it will be helpful to those who are newly diagnosed and who are looking for advice on how to stay well while on immunosuppressive therapy.

Members of the the BUS Standing Advisory Committee and National Birdshot Research Network have been involved in validating this collected information.

If anything is not clear, or if you have other questions or concerns you would like to raise, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The Q & A page can be found here.