We thought you might like to know some statistics about the numbers of people registered on the BUS site, as we now have 62 people registered as members.
Although the breakdown might not be a 100 percent accurate, we believe we have 33 people who are based in the UK, including, Northern Ireland and Scotland, 17 people in the USA, 3 people in Canada, 2 people in Denmark, 1 person from France, Norway and Portugal and Australia.
Interestingly we have no-one in Wales, but I think 4 or 5 from Scotland and 1 from Northern Ireland!
The majority are people who have a diagnosis of birdshot, although we have a few family members who have also registered on the site because of their interest in the disease.
We welcome registration from all patients with a diagnosis of Birdshot, and would urge you, if you have not done it already, to fill in our consent form and send it to us, so that you can be properly registered on our Database.
The Database will help in future studies into why people are getting this rare disease and we hope it will help us find better treatments. Without information about patients who have this diagnosis, there will never be enough numbers to make proper progress because the eye condition is so rare.
You can post your consent form to our PO BOX address of Birdshot Uveitis Soceity, PO Box 64996, London SW20 2BL or scan it back in and email it to our birdshot@live.co.uk email address. We look forward to receiving them!
We also encourage professionals working with Birdshot or uveitis to register, so we can develop a ‘birdshot community’. Healthcare professionals will benefit from the information and advice and the patient stories on the website as well as the News items, where we keep you all updated about what is new in the birdshot world – treatments, government initiatives, get togethers, etc.